Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When It's Not Working

This last weekend, I wasn't singing in harmony. I wasn't singing at all. Didn't know my part. Didn't even know the song. I ranted, I raved, I cried. But singing? Not a note. And my husband? Not even a Pooh hum. Maybe it was the stress of the holidays or my birthday or maybe I was just being ruled by my tone deaf flesh that can't carry a tune in a bucket.

I tried explaining my point of view--my needs. I was careful not to use the words "you always" or "you never". I steered away from assigning blame or implying guilt. I was willing to concede that the problem and discomfort it was causing me was probably partly or even all my fault. (how pathetic is that?) I got sad, then mad, cried, and yelled as I saw no gleam of comprehension or sypathetic chord in my husband's eyes. I was singing notes I had composed myself.

So, I finally gave up and quit trying to be in charge of the song and all its parts and gave the baton back to the Choirmaster. I admitted to God that I didn't know my part, couldn't remember the song, felt like no one else was remotely interested in singing, and if there was going to be any singing of songs, especially in harmony, in our house, He was going to have to arrange and accomplish it, because I was out of ideas and frankly wasn't sure I had the energy for it and maybe, the way I felt right then, maybe I wasn't even interested in singing any more.

And wouldn't you know, that very evening, my husband and I were back to singing our song in harmony. As easy as you please. No sweat, no mess. No delving into anyone's psyche or deep seated motivations. Just peacefu comfort, quiet regard for one another. A sense of well-being. Harmony. (Yes, there were mutual apologies. Painless, I might add.)

I told you all that to say this. Sometimes our life experience will not mirror the truth of God's Word. And we might feel like our prayers, our faith, God's Word--none of it, is working. The results just aren't panning out. But if, in your heart of hearts, you believe God's Word and you've planted it through meditation, you'll be able to let it grow--to sprout, get leaves, and produce fruit. Sometimes, all it takes is to get out of the way--to quit digging around in the soil constantly checking and analyzing the seed to see if it's begun to sprout. Trying to think of ways to force it to sprout. Just put it in the ground. Plant, water, give it light-- through meditation. That's your part. Sprouting and growing and producing fruit--that's God's part. He can't sing your part, and you can't sing His part. Harmony.

Stay Constant in Prayer,
Paula J

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pulling Together

I thank you, Father, that you grant my husband and me to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus that together, we may unanimously with united hearts and one voice praise and glorify God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5 & 6)

I'm hoping that you are beginning to meditate on these scriptures we are praying and you are being given some spiritual insights. Some Holy Spirit inspired AHA!'s. Here are some of mine.

unanimously--that means everyone is moving in the same direction. We all put our strength, our force toward the same goal. We are in accord and all in favor of the same thing. Putting our power behind a common goal. No one is dissenting or putting up road blocks or dragging his feet trying to thwart progress on purpose or through negligence.
united hearts--agreeing in our intentions
one voice--each saying the same thing. Agreeing with our words--making our words agree with God's Word.

I am seeing possibilities in this scripture such as you and your husband
1. Being united in Christian faith
2. Being united in raising your children
3. Being united in the goals for your life together
a. your mission
b. your finances
c. your life view

John 15:8 says we glorify God when we produce fruit or beneficial results. I think the possibilities I have listed above would qualify as fruit. As you let the Holy Spirit inhabit your imagination concerning this scripture, He will give you images that are especially just for you and your husband and your life together. Remember, there are no limits in God.

Be Constant in Prayer. (Romans 12:12)
Paula J

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Three Part Harmony

Many times when we read scripture, at first it seems too good to be true. And although we might never say we don't believe it, we act like we don't believe it, or at least we put it into our "Yeah, if this were a perfect world" file.

That's why meditation of scripture is so necessary. Meditation helps you to visualize what the scripture is saying and brings it from just words on paper or nice ideas to attainable, real life--my life--possibilities.

For instance, our next prayer is based on Romans 15:5&6. In the Amplified Bible it says this: Now may God, Who gives the power of patient endurance or steadfastness, and Who supplies encouragement, grant you to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may unanimously with united hearts and one voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah.

Wow! That sounds like Jesus, you, and the man in your life (husband, son, father, brother) are singing in three part harmony a song that God composed just for you.

So, in order to personalize this scripture and turn it into a prayer, pray it like this: I thank you Father, that you grant (your husband's name) and me to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus that together, we may unanimously with one voice praise and glorify God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Remember to Stay Constant in Prayer.
Paula J

Thursday, November 4, 2010

more meditations on Acts 13:52

Thank you that my husband is continually filled [throughout his soul] with joy and the Holy Spirit.
Here are some more of my insights as a result of meditating this scripture.
Throughout his soul: the soul is the seat of the mind, will, and emotions; to have the mind, will, and emotions continually filled throughout--every nook and cranny--with joy makes for a strong mind since joy is strength(Nehemiah 8:10). We all want to possess a strong, sound mind and desire that for our husbands, too, regardless of age or circumstances.
Since the Holy Spirit is the counselor, teacher, and author of Wisdom, think of the advantage of having a mind continually filled with the Holy Spirit.
The will is our decision maker. To have the will (decision maker) continually filled with the Holy Spirit would guarantee that decisions would be guided and influenced by Wisdom. A will continually filled with joy, would guard against decisions prompted by fear. Fear based decisions always tend toward death (in all its forms.)
One of the purposes of emotions is to give us clues to what is happening around us. They are a little like a thermometer. If our emotions are continually filled with and governed by joy and the Holy Spirit, we can gain an accurate picture of what is really taking place, but we won't be led by emotions or let emotions take over a place of leadership that they were not designed to operate in. We don't want emotions to act like a thermostat and govern what takes place. Being filled continually throughout your soul with joy and the Holy Spirit can diminish or eliminate feelings of superiority, inferiority, low self-confidence, anger, resentment, fear, despair, hopelessness, or any emotions that would lead to lust, greed, or covetousness, etc. To sum it up: be led by the Spirit and you will not fulfill the pressures of the flesh. (Galations 5:16)
Stay Constant in Prayer,
Paula J